For spiritual seekers and devotees, undertaking the sacred girivalam or pradakshina around the revered Arunachala mountain in Tiruvannamalai is a profound experience like no other. This ancient ritual, involving a circumambulation of the holy hill, is believed to hold immense spiritual significance, symbolizing the journey towards self-realization and liberation.

However, for many tourists and pilgrims, the girivalam experience has often been marred by the unscrupulous practices of certain auto rickshaw drivers operating in the area. From quoting exorbitant fares to engaging in incessant haggling, these encounters have left a sour taste, diminishing the very essence of the sacred journey.

It is in response to these persisting issues that an innovative service,, has emerged as a trusted and preferred choice for travelers seeking a hassle-free and affordable girivalam experience.

The Auto Rickshaw Conundrum

For years, auto rickshaws have been the primary mode of transportation for tourists and devotees undertaking the girivalam in Tiruvannamalai. While many auto drivers operate with integrity, there have been numerous instances of unethical practices tarnishing the experience for unsuspecting travelers.

One of the most prevalent issues faced by tourists is the quoting of exorbitant and arbitrary fares by certain auto rickshaw drivers. With no standardized pricing system in place, these drivers often take advantage of the unfamiliarity of out-of-town visitors, charging rates that can be several times higher than the reasonable fare.

“During my first visit to Tiruvannamalai, I was quoted a fare that was nearly five times the amount I ended up paying for a similar distance on a subsequent trip,” recalls Samantha, a devotee from the UK. “It was only later that I realized I had fallen victim to the inflated pricing practices of certain auto drivers.”

In addition to the exorbitant pricing, many tourists have also reported instances of incessant haggling and even outright refusal by auto rickshaw drivers to take them to their desired destinations. This behavior not only causes frustration and delays but also disrupts the serenity and spiritual focus that the girivalam demands.

“I had a disheartening experience where an auto driver agreed to take me for the girivalam but insisted on stopping at multiple places along the way, trying to coerce me into visiting shops or temples against my wishes,” shares Aditya, a devotee from Mumbai. “It was a clear attempt to prolong the trip and extract more money, completely disregarding the sanctity of the journey.”

Safety Concerns, Especially for Women Travelers

Apart from the pricing and behavioral issues, another significant concern that has driven tourists away from auto rickshaws is the perceived lack of safety, especially for women travelers undertaking the girivalam alone or in small groups.

The girivalam trail, while sacred, can be quite isolated in certain stretches, with minimal lighting or security measures in place. For many women, the prospect of being alone in an auto rickshaw with an unfamiliar driver in these secluded areas has raised understandable apprehensions about personal safety.

“As a solo female traveler, I was hesitant to hire an auto rickshaw for the girivalam after hearing stories from other women about feeling uncomfortable or even unsafe in certain situations,” admits Maria, a devotee from Spain. “It was a major deterrent that nearly caused me to forgo the experience altogether.”

The Solution

It was in response to these long-standing issues that emerged as a game-changer, offering a reliable, safe, and affordable taxi service specifically tailored for the girivalam experience.

Transparent and Reasonable Pricing One of the key advantages of is their commitment to transparent and reasonable pricing. Unlike the arbitrary rates quoted by many auto rickshaw drivers, their girivalam taxi fares are clearly displayed on their website, ensuring that tourists are not subjected to any exploitative practices.

“What really impressed me was the upfront and competitive pricing offered by,” shares Rahul, a devotee from Delhi. “Their rates for the girivalam were not only significantly lower than the exorbitant auto rickshaw fares but also provided peace of mind, knowing that there would be no hidden costs or surprises.”

Professional and Courteous Service Another major selling point for is the professionalism and courtesy of their drivers. All their drivers undergo rigorous training, ensuring they have a deep understanding and respect for the spiritual significance of the girivalam. They maintain a respectful silence throughout the journey, allowing devotees to fully immerse themselves in prayer, meditation, or quiet contemplation.

“The driver assigned to us for the girivalam was incredibly courteous and attentive to our needs,” recalls Anjali, a devotee from Bangalore. “He ensured a comfortable and serene experience, stopping at designated points for us to rest or soak in the spiritual ambiance, without any undue interruptions or distractions.”

Enhanced Safety and Security For many tourists, especially women travelers, the safety and security measures implemented by have been a game-changer. Their taxis are equipped with GPS tracking systems, and the drivers undergo regular background checks, providing an added layer of assurance for passengers.

“As a solo female traveler, the safety measures implemented by gave me the confidence to undertake the girivalam without any concerns,” says Maria, the devotee from Spain. “Knowing that the driver had been thoroughly vetted and that the vehicle was tracked made me feel secure, allowing me to fully embrace the spiritual essence of the experience.”

Customizable Offerings understands that each devotee’s needs and preferences may vary, and therefore, they offer customizable packages for the girivalam experience. This includes options to tailor the duration of the journey, include guided tours or spiritual discourses, or even incorporate local sightseeing destinations into the itinerary.

“The flexibility offered by was truly remarkable,” shares Arjun, a devotee from Chennai. “We were able to customize our girivalam experience to include a guided tour by a local scholar, which deepened our understanding and appreciation of the rich cultural heritage of Tiruvannamalai.”

A Holistic and Enriching Experience While the primary objective of is to provide a safe, comfortable, and hassle-free means of undertaking the sacred girivalam, their services have also contributed to creating a holistic and spiritually enriching experience for devotees.

By partnering with local spiritual guides and scholars, offers the option to have these knowledgeable companions accompany devotees on the girivalam, sharing insights into the rich history, mythology, and spiritual significance of the Arunachala and the girivalam tradition itself.

“The guided tour provided by the scholar was an absolute highlight of our experience,” recalls Sarah, a devotee from the US. “It added an entirely new dimension to the journey, deepening our understanding and appreciation of this ancient spiritual practice in a way that would not have been possible otherwise.”

As Tiruvannamalai continues to attract spiritual seekers and tourists from across the globe,’s services have emerged as a beacon of responsible and spiritually conscious tourism. By addressing the pressing issues of overcharging, safety concerns, and lack of professionalism, they have not only made the sacred girivalam accessible and affordable but have also played a crucial role in preserving the sanctity and reverence associated with this ancient spiritual tradition.